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  • Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. ~Russell Baker

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  • There are an enormous number of managers who have retired on the job. ~Peter Drucker

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  • There is a story of an Oxford student who once remarked, "I despise all Americans, but have never met one I didn't like." ~Gordon Allport

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  • Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway through my fishburger and I realize, Oh my God. I could be eating a slow learner. ~Lynda Montgomery

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  • If this can be termed the century of the common man, then soccer, of all sports, is surely his game.... In a world haunted by the hydrogen and napalm bomb, the football field is a place where sanity and hope are still left unmolested. ~Stanley Rous, 1952

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  • The evening papers print what they do and get away with it because by afternoon the human mind is ruined anyhow. ~Christopher Morley, Kitty Foyle

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  • Live simply that others might simply live. ~Elizabeth Ann Seton

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  • Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy. ~Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld

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  • With this humble instrumentality did it please Providence to prepare the theatre for those events by which a new dispensation of liberty was to be communicated to man. ~Edward Everett

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  • No man was ever wise by chance. ~Seneca

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  • The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God. ~Euclid

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  • It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity. I bet this kind of thing does not happen to heroin addicts. I bet that when serious heroin addicts go to purchase their heroin, they do not tolerate waiting in line while some dilettante in front of them orders a hazelnut smack-a-cino with cinnamon sprinkles. ~Dave Barry

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  • Cessation of work is not accompanied by cessation of expenses. ~Cato the Elder

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  • History is the open Bible: we historians are not priests to expound it infallibly: our function is to teach people to read it and to reflect upon it for themselves. ~George Macaulay Trevelyan

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  • No matter how brilliantly an idea is stated, we will not really be moved unless we have already half-thought of it ourselves. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

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  • A number of moralists condemn lotteries and refuse to see anything noble in the passion of the ordinary gambler. They judge gambling as some atheists judge religion, by its excesses. ~Charles Lamb, Essays of Elia, 1832

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  • When you live in reaction, you give your power away. Then you get to experience what you gave your power to. ~N. Smith

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  • Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as the town library. The only entrance requirement is interest. ~Lady Bird Johnson

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  • Every man has three characters - that which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thinks he has. ~Alphonse Karr

    Life is full of obstacle illusions. ~Grant Frazier

    Sisters are blossoms in the garden of life. ~Author Unknown

    A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on. ~Carl Sandburg

    Don't tell your friends about your indigestions: "How are you!" is a greeting, not a question. ~Arthur Guiterman, A Poet's Proverbs

    Most Texans think Hanukkah is some sort of duck call. ~Richard Lewis

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