osama bin laden target

osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target
  • osama bin laden target

  • Photics
    Apr 9, 09:09 AM
    Get off your friggin high horse when saying that App store gaming isn't real gaming.

    I liked reading your post. I pretty much agree with you wrote. Heh, I think video games kept me out of trouble too. I also think Nintendo is scared about the falling price of software. That's where their money comes from. For almost three decades, Nintendo has been making a lot of money by releasing consoles to sell their software at a premium.

    An excellent example... is Urban Champion on Wiiware really worth $5?
    That's madness! A title like that would get crushed on the iTunes App Store.

    Although... I think iOS is geared more towards casual games, because that's easier to create on the system. Yet, I'm investing time and money in seeing if there is a market for "hardcore" games. I think there is. That's why I'm building BOT (http://photics.com/bot-game-design-and-progress-reports).

    Apple is one step away from crushing Nintendo... that's adding an App Store to the Apple TV.

    This hardcore vs. casual debate misses the main point. Nintendo was seen as the more casual of the big three console makers. Yet, Nintendo dominated the first few years of this generation's console war. If Apple enters this arena, it's big trouble for Nintendo... and the other console makers.

    Heh, but as a developer, it's really cool for me. Apple has built something amazing here. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo... they could have made it easier for independent developers, but they didn't. Apple is now in a great position to dramatically change the way the industry works — and I think it's for the better.

    I wandered into Best Buy last Christmas season and I saw the game of life in 3D on the XBOX. I thought it was a great way to modernize a classic game. I was getting ready to buy the XBOX 360. But then, lots of great iOS games started going on sale for 99� each. I bought nine... NINE NEW GAMES for less than $10.

    If Nintendo doesn't adapt, it could be big trouble for them. I've seen the 3DS (http://photics.com/nintendo-3ds-a-surprising-disappointment) and I'm not impressed. I think the iPhone 4 is a much better portable gaming machine.

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden young in
  • osama bin laden young in

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 11:08 AM
    Oh, please.

    The Islamic World today doesn't have much resemblance to the Islamic World of antiquity. Don't forget that a vast majority of ancient Greek texts would have been lost to the ages if not for Islamic scholars, to say nothing of (relatively) advanced mathematical concepts and a symbol for zero.

    No, without pre-Islamic Persian and Arabic sources the renaissance wouldn't have happened.

    Arabic numerals actually come from India.

    Don't forget it's thought the Caliph Umar ordered the burning of the Library at Alexandria. He's quoted as saying: "�If the books agree with the Qur�an, they are superfluous. If they disagree with it, they are heretical.�

    While this may be apocryphal the fact is that Saladin, remember, that great 7th Day Adventist conueror of the Middle-East) used this example as justification to order the burning of many ancient libraries when he reconquered Egypt.

    EDIT: whoops, I just double-checked, Saladin was an Islamic conqueror... my bad!

    We would all be speaking German I expect.

    Why? Or is this another bid for attention and I'm falling for it by giving you the attention you so desperately craved?

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target
  • osama bin laden target

  • sintaxi
    Sep 12, 06:14 PM
    Is it just me or does the iTV look very stackable? My guess is that eventually you will have a Hard Drive, Optical Drive and the iTV all separate. This way you can upgrade to a BlueRay from a DVD drive or a 500Gig HD from a 250.

    Do you think Im way off?

    osama bin laden target. killed Osama bin Laden.
  • killed Osama bin Laden.

  • mahonmeister
    Sep 26, 02:20 AM
    You can buy a 32 core machine today. Sun sells them. They are not cheap. I'm waiting for the day when we see "kilo-cores" and people add them like RAM, a thousand cores at a time.

    Thats an interesting concept but I think someone is a bit ahead of themselves.

    I've heard that processors have reached some sort of theoretical limit and I'm guessing that multiple cores is getting around this. But why aren't these chips at higher clock speeds? I really don't milti-task that much so I would be more interested in raw power rather then power in numbers. If the prices on the current processors drop I think I'd get the quad 3GHz rather then a 8 core 2.66GHz. But if they had a dual 6GHz that would be even better.;)

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target
  • osama bin laden target

  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 10:53 AM
    More hate from the god squad. :rolleyes:

    So true. And yet I am always told Christianity is all about loving one's neighbour… (as long as you don't covet his ass, I guess).

    Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
    Looking at that list, heaven is gonna be a tad empty…

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden as rifle or
  • osama bin laden as rifle or

  • shawnce
    Jul 12, 05:30 PM
    Merom, Conroe and Woodcrest at equal clock speeds

    Merom will underperform a Conroe under equal high loads because of thermal constraints (in unmodified systems).


    Also forgot to point out that Merom top out with 667 MT/s FSB... so several classes of tasks will be slower on a Merom then equally clocked Conroe.

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target
  • osama bin laden target

  • Apple OC
    Apr 22, 11:13 PM
    I know my fair share of theists, and I think that they 'know' there is a god. They see him in everything and feel him in their every action. I don't think that assuming near 100% certainty is too much of an overstatement.

    the mind can play many illusionist tricks ... even the most faithful does not "know" for sure

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden dead or alive.
  • osama bin laden dead or alive.

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 21, 08:01 AM
    In other news Steve Jobs still scared of the pure domination of Android in the smartphone market.

    Fandroids: the most annoying fanboys on the planet.

    I don't use Apple products

    "Which is why I frequent an Apple users community discussion forum."


    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target
  • osama bin laden target

  • RedTomato
    Mar 15, 06:17 PM
    Continuous live timestamped text based updates:

    (may be a different link tomorrow, but check on the front page for the current link to live updates)

    (link changes each day, check on front page for the current day's link)

    BBC is slightly slower but more accurate (but they beat the Guardian when announcing the 4th explosion).

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target.
  • osama bin laden target.

  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 20, 08:01 PM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding � Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    As much as Apple cares about marketshare, the experience is more important to them then the product itself. That's really something.

    Nonsense - Microsoft did not give away Windows for free, and certainly never gave the source code to OEMs to develop in their own way. Windows Phone 7 is to Windows...and that's about it. There's no point in even trying to make this comparison since Android as a platform is not as prolific as iOS anyway, is HORRIBLE for use in the enterprise (blackberry is the real competition there), and is also used on phones that aren't even capable of running apps.

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target
  • osama bin laden target

  • The Beatles
    Apr 9, 01:07 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Gaming on idevices is for nubes. Live on PS3, Xbox and the future NGP.

    Totally agree. The other day I was in the queue at the grocery store and some dude was playing some noob game on his iOS phone... I was like "dude, you should be playing that on a PS3" and he was all "yeah but where would I plug it in and set-up the TV?" and I was like "just use the NGP" and he said "Great, where can I buy that?"

    What a d**k he was.

    He took your advice and said "great" in agreement and you call him a d**k? Sounds like your projecting? Maybe we didn't get the whole story?

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target
  • osama bin laden target

  • citizenzen
    Mar 27, 09:35 PM
    Fr. Harvey and his colleagues try to help people who feel same-sex attraction live holy, chaste, celibate lives.

    Yet he doesn't try to help people who feel opposite-sex attraction to live chaste, celibate lives.

    This is a clear distinction that you don't seem to appreciate.

    There is no rational reason to steer people away from engaging in gay sexual relations.

    Can you argue otherwise?

    But what if changed thoughts and changed behaviors would make people even happier than than they would be without the changes?

    What if you could make people happier by not condemning their sexual orientation and vilifying their sexual acts?

    Would their happiness be as important to you then?

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target. osama
  • osama bin laden target. osama

  • Photics
    Apr 9, 11:09 AM
    Your overall point being because Apple poses and threat to Nintendo, which Nintendo recognises, Nintendo are doomed to go out of business?

    Do you think the market can sustain four gaming companies?

    Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and Apple? What if Google gets into the mix too? (They fumbled with Google TV, but it could be adapted and done properly.)

    I think Nintendo represents the "Casual" side of gaming, both with the DS line and the Wii. Nintendo dominated portables for many years. Since the launch of the original Gameboy, no one could really challenge Nintendo's dominance.

    But now, there are two new ways to enjoy portable gaming... Android and iOS.

    Just as Radio is still around after Television, it's possible that Nintendo can survive Apple's entry into gaming. Yet, will Nintendo be the dominate player? In what scenario do they stay #1? If iOS is real competition in portable gaming (DS line) and in home gaming (Wii) is threatened by Apple TV / iPad, I think that looks like there are some real challenges ahead for Nintendo.

    The 3DS is a surprise to me, as it's fairly expensive for a Nintendo portable. Why spend $250 on a 3DS when an iPod Touch starts at $229? Sure... it depends on your preferences, but the iPod Touch / iPhone is a successful alternative. This isn't the same battle the Gameboy faced against the Sega's Nomad / Game Gear, the Turbo Express Portable or Atari Lynx. In addition to hardware, the software can be cheaper on iOS / Android too.

    Game ratings on iOS start at 4 and up.
    Games for the 3DS start at 7 and up. It's harder to market a product when there are warnings about vision.

    Viewing of 3D images by children 6 and under may cause vision damage.


    What happens this Christmas if Apple decides to launch an Apple TV that plays games... for $99? In these tough economic times, I think that's a serious threat to Nintendo.

    So, Nintendo's portable line is under attack... both from Sony/Android and now Apple. Nintendo's console market is also under attack, as the Wii appears to be losing steam. If Apple enters the market with a $100 system, that's serious competition.

    Here's a story... I was asked to make a recommendation for a gift. This was a nice gift, something around $250. At first I looked at the Nintendo 3DS. I thought it would be a cool gift because it was new. Yet, there was a regional lockout issue and I'm not sure it's something that's really good for a kid. At least with an iPod Touch, there's more to do with it than just games. Sure... the Nintendo 3DS does more than just games, but I think that the iPod Touch is a much better overall device... FaceTime, web browsing, iOS development, books, utilities, entertainment. It says, "Hey, I want you to have fun... but I also want you to learn something and be productive."

    I recommended the iPod Touch. But surprisingly, this was not the gift that was purchased. Instead, an Android tablet was purchased as the gift. Heh... Android... that would not have been my choice.

    Yet, that's the changing market. With iOS and Android, there's a lot more competition in portable devices... and I think that will eventually spill into the livingroom with game consoles. It's new technology that threatens Nintendo.

    I think the strength of Nintendo is their software line... Mario, Zelda and popular games like that. If Nintendo struggles with hardware, they could eventually become software exclusive. That doomsday scenario has been uttered for many years � as Sony's entry into the market caused a lot of trouble for Nintendo. The company managed to turn things around with the DS and the Wii. Can Nintendo do it again when Apple is offering cheaper hardware, cheaper software?

    One could argue about iOS games being mostly casual... and that the lack of a controller causes problems... but Apple can fix that problem if they so choose. With Game Center, and news like the one that started this thread, it shows that Apple is getting serious about gaming.

    That's obviously big trouble for Nintendo.

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target
  • osama bin laden target

  • puma1552
    Mar 14, 01:04 AM
    Yea, this is one of the few controversial posts I've made here, I expected some criticism, and likely deserve it as I definitely don't get the whole picture, then again who does.

    I'm not saying oil isn't a HUGE problem, or rebutting some of the good points here.

    When a nuclear disaster happens hundreds of thousands of people can die, if unleashed in war it could be the end of the world, plus accidents, human error, countries letting power plants age and neglect updates not because they can't afford it but instead because they want the incredible profits from it.

    It's not good, I'll never be convinced otherwise. Look at countries like Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia how well they manage their power, the research, alternative (green) energy sources in play and working NOW ... it's incredible and goes unnoticed.

    There is better ways.

    NO nuclear.

    You know, I really don't think a lot of the people in this thread "get it" so-to-speak.

    Japan has 130 million people, in a space 10,000 square miles SMALLER than California, and is an archipelago. 85% of that are sparsely populated mountainous regions, so do the math to realize what a premium we have on space here and try to understand that we need the absolute maximum power for the space and resources we have, which is why we get a third of our power from nuclear sources.

    What do you think, we have unlimited resources and space to use bogus green energy methods? Everyone talks about green energy this, green energy that, but nobody seems to grasp that green energy methods are horrendously inefficient, unrealistically and unsustainably so; if they were so good, don't you think we'd have our fossil fuel crisis solved?

    As an example, solar power's MAXIMUM efficiency is a pathetic 12%, and that's before you even think about it's asinine cost, or the asinine amount of square footage you need to even get a tiny amount of power.

    Wind isn't much better, at a maximum of 30% efficiency, and that's when the wind is blowing over 30 mph.

    Neither of these are feasible, nor realistic for Japan.

    Guys, we have nuclear power here out of necessity. Maybe that's difficult for you guys to grasp, but with 130 million people in a place smaller than California, most of which is mountains, we need power that's efficient. I don't understand why this is so hard to understand.

    Nuclear is a result of circumstance here, and up until now has had a flawless record.

    By the way, lowly natural gas has a 10x higher fatality rate than nuclear, but I don't see anyone fearing natural gas.

    edit: I don't mean to harp on you specifically, entlarg, I'm just tired of seeing post after post in this thread from people that don't seem to understand that at least here, we don't have a choice but to use nuclear power.

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target.
  • osama bin laden target.

  • I'mAMac
    Aug 29, 02:57 PM
    if anyone was wondering, Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell. wow stem cells are a life saver :)

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target
  • osama bin laden target

  • itickings
    Apr 15, 07:09 AM
    I still miss the ability to easily control the computer with only a keyboard without reaching for the mouse/trackpad all the time.

    Sure, there are many shortcuts, but no real equivalent to the underlined entries in menus, and the obvious keyboard navigation in dialogs. But then again, I'd been primed to that since Windows 3.0 through XP and other systems.

    I'm sure some people will want to correct me now by pointing out the keyboard control possibility available in the accessibility settings, but that'll only end with uncontrollable laughter...

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden 2pac in laden
  • osama bin laden 2pac in laden

  • appleguy123
    Apr 24, 09:47 AM
    Aduntu is the only person I know of who believes these things, and I'll wonder about them for hours. I'll write more later, I hope.

    It is completely antithetical to what I was thought as a Christian as well.
    @Aduntu, are you a free will baptist?

    osama bin laden target. in laden target. Osama
  • in laden target. Osama

  • Th3Crow
    Apr 28, 08:13 PM
    Are you? Why do you think Windows 7 sells so well? All Mac users need to buy one.

    That's hilarious! Do you really believe that? Half of the people I know started out with Windoze, and have since migrated to Mac. They've never looked back. None of them would think of contaminating their Mac with Winblows. I don't know a single person that started out Mac and moved to PC. Not one. And none of them feel any need to run Windows.

    osama bin laden target. osama bin laden target
  • osama bin laden target

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 03:00 PM
    if anyone was wondering, Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.
    Dont you think people can google it for themselves if they feel a need to know?

    Apr 12, 11:55 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Just left. Waiting at the airport with some huge questions as a commercial editor. No talk of motion. If it's an app store download might be a small program no motion presets or content. I honestly wonder if there is a tape capture window. I didn't see a filters tab XML support or any kind os manager. Seems you edit color and export. I'm hoping it was just the sneakest of peeks and that there's a lot more hiding in there. Otherwise I'm holding onto fcp7 for dear life and wait for 11.

    Jul 12, 04:24 PM
    man, my head is spinning...Yonah, Mermon, Woodcrest, Core Duo 2 (isn't that redundant?)

    Don't you just long for the good old days when we'd get one G4 processor for 18 months? ;)In A Word NO. There is nothing complicated about understanding Intel's Processor line. Only lazy consumers unwilling to read anything.

    All the details have been spoon fed to us for months by generous meembers here. I see no excuse for not know the differences by now and why what belongs where.

    Mar 18, 01:15 PM
    Will this affect people using tetherme or just mywi?

    Both as they both allow you to civumvent the contract that you agreed to with AT&T.

    I have tethered in the past but stopped because I felt like I was stealing. This is my opinion and choice. Others clearly have found a way to justify doing it and have even gone so far as to say that AT&T is cheating them. Frankly I don't see this as you signed up for a phone, not broadband. For all of you that also think that the heavy usage doesn't affect you, when you start seeing new charges appear because they had to buy more equipment to deal with the higher bandwidth usage then you might change you mind.

    Do I care if you keep doing it? Not really, but be aware that you are on their network and they can see what you are doing.

    Apr 21, 05:33 AM
    Except for the inferior interface, battery life, apps and usability you mean.. Otherwise they are exactly the same!

    Lol ...
    Exactly :D

    So wait, you don't own a Mac or an iDevice but you post here constantly?

    Eheheh, he's not the only one.
    There is a specific term to define people like him on a forum ;)

    Sounds Good
    Apr 5, 04:46 PM
    Hi guys,

    I realize that this is a Mac forum, so chances are good that everyone here is happy with their decision to switch from Windows to Mac. But since there's no sub-forum on a Windows forum called "I tried a Mac but didn't like it" I'll ask here. :)

    As someone that has used Windows since before Windows (DOS) and has never used a Mac, what might I NOT like about it?

    What might be uncomfortable or difficult?

    What major learning curves should I expect? Etc., etc...

    I'm sure you get what I'm asking here ;) so please share whatever info you can.

    Thanks in advance!

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