One summer night, out on a flat headland, all but surrounded by the waters of the bay, the horizons were remote and distant rims on the edge of space. Millions of stars blazed in darkness, and on the far shore a few lights burned in cottages. Otherwise there was no reminder of human life. My companion and I were alone with the stars: the misty river of the Milky Way flowing across the sky, the patterns of the constellations standing out bright and clear, a blazing planet low on the horizon. It occurred to me that if this were a sight that could be seen only once in a century, this little headland would be thronged with spectators. But it can be see many scores of nights in any year, and so the lights burned in the cottages and the inhabitants probably gave not a thought to the beauty overhead; and because they could see it almost any night, perhaps they never will. ~Rachel Carson
You can tell a child is growing up when he stops asking where he came from and starts refusing to tell where he is going. ~Author Unknown
Conscience is, in most, an anticipation of the opinion of others. ~Henry Taylor
We have produced a world of contented bodies and discontented minds. ~Adam Clayton Powell, Keep the Faith, Baby!, 1967
Anyone who says you can't see a thought simply doesn't know art. ~Wynetka Ann Reynolds
Four little Persians, but only one looked in my direction. I extended a tentative finger and two soft paws clung to it. There was a contented sound of purring, I suspect on both our parts. ~George Freedley
Things of the spirit differ from things material in that the more you give the more you have. ~Christopher Morley

It is only rarely that one can see in a little boy the promise of a man, but one can almost always see in a little girl the threat of a woman. ~Alexandre Dumas, fils
A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes. ~James Feibleman, Understanding Philosophy, 1973
The sun is nature's Prozac. ~Astrid Alauda
A drunken man is fitly named: he has drank, till he is drunken: the wine swallows his consciousness, and it sinks therein. ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827
I love the place; the magnificent books; I require books as I require air. ~Sholem Asch
If civilization has risen from the Stone Age, it can rise again from the Wastepaper Age. ~Jacques Barzun, The House of Intellect, 1959
Remember the great adversity of art or anything else is a hurried life. ~Robert James Waller
Love must be as much a light, as it is a flame. ~Henry David Thoreau
Macho doesn't prove mucho. ~Zsa Zsa Gabor
A kiss that speaks volumes is seldom a first edition. ~Clare Whiting

The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain, involved in many kinds of motivation, among other functions. The hypothalamus controls the "Four F's": fighting, fleeing, feeding, and mating. ~Marvin Dunnette
I've got dreams in hidden places and extra smiles for when I'm blue. ~Author Unknown
A garden was the primitive prison, till man with Promethean felicity and boldness, luckily sinned himself out of it. ~Charles Lamb, 1830
Without music life would be a mistake. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
History studies not just facts and institutions, its real subject is the human spirit. ~Fustel de Coulange, La Cite antique, 1864
You purchase pain with all that joy can give, and die of nothing but a rage to live. ~Alexander Pope
I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him. ~Abraham Lincoln