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funny quotes cartoon. Cartoon by John Trever
  • Cartoon by John Trever

  • goosnarrggh
    Nov 8, 09:37 AM
    But does the 1GB use one memory slot or two?

    As long as the MacBook continues to use integrated graphics, you will never see Apple shipping them with single-memory-stick configurations. Unlike the MacBook Pro, using mismatched memory sticks in a MacBook's slots actually results in a potentially painful performance hit.

    That's because, if the memory inserted in all slots are perfectly matched, the memory manager can handle multiple requests at once: one access for each memory slot. The GMA950's memory is ideally all grouped together on one memory stick. This way, one stick will never be tied up servicing the GMA950, so the CPUs will always have exclusive access to it. Only the single "shared" stick ever needs to be deal with possible contention from multiple masters.

    If you only have one memory stick, then the CPUs and the GPU will always need to fight each other for their turn at accessing memory.

    funny quotes cartoon. Nonetheless the cartoon
  • Nonetheless the cartoon

  • MasterHowl
    Mar 25, 01:23 PM
    so I see we're back to iOS Rumours again...

    funny quotes cartoon. Funny Quotes Disney Movies
  • Funny Quotes Disney Movies

  • Reach9
    Mar 28, 08:21 PM
    No hardware in WWDC '11?
    Apple always said they are about Software and Hardware, well then it wouldn't make sense for them to omit hardware from the conference.

    So i'm predicting...

    A completely revamped iOS, named iOS 5
    Mac OS X Lion, the best OS yet.
    A completely revamped MobileMe, a lot of free features but more space requires cheaper annual payments.
    Additional cloud-like services nobody thought of.

    Why does this sound like everything that might be shown? Or am i missing something?

    i was hoping they would show off the iPhone 5 alongside iOS 5, and new iMacs for Mac OS X Lion, but i guess that won't be happening..

    funny quotes cartoon. Funny Quotes by Funny Bastards
  • Funny Quotes by Funny Bastards

  • skunk
    Oct 26, 07:35 PM
    They ADDED a screw?? I mean, they drilled a new hole in the casing???

    That seems like a crazy repair job if ever I've heard one.I'd be inclined to turn such a "fix" down.

    funny quotes cartoon. Funny Quotes From Office. the
  • Funny Quotes From Office. the

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Aug 3, 09:34 AM
    Discussion hit /. with more informed people than we:

    Kiddies on this board will be frothing at the mouth with Ann Coulter-esque murderous rage.

    Why did they have to use a third party WiFi card if it's the OS's problem. My understanding is that it's Intel's deal, not Apple's.

    We're apparently too smug to figure that out?

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  • funny quotes and sayings about

  • BWhaler
    Sep 4, 02:29 PM
    Ok no one cares about iPod nanos. We want Merom MacBook Pros!!!!!


    I'm ready to buy a new 17". My current laptop is under a year old, which normally would mean I could get another year of use out of it.

    But the move to Intel is too epic of a performance jump, so I am going to upgrade out of cycle.

    My needs/wants for the refreshed MBP:

    1. 160gig drive

    2. Better/modern GPU

    3. Lower the power cord wattage so you can charge your MBP on international flights (a massive oversight by Apple.)

    4. No heat, fan, build, uneven screen backlighting, etc., quality issues.

    funny quotes cartoon. cartoon funny
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  • kretzy
    Aug 24, 12:09 PM
    Actually, here's a link (

    funny quotes cartoon. Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Editorial Cartoons 5 Dec 2009
  • Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Editorial Cartoons 5 Dec 2009

  • Ktulu
    Aug 8, 07:17 AM
    When I first saw Core Animation and Spaces and how they worked and what they were capable of I immediately thought of what many people here have said before when Boot Camp first came out.

    These two technologies, when combined, could make possible the idea of "Fast OS Switching". Could one of the "Top Secret" features be that Boot Camp was just there as a primer. It will still be there and operate in the same way but without the re-booting hassle. With Core Animation and Spaces, you could possibly have it running just as another user and "Fast Switch" between them. Being a part of Leopard now-(Boot Camp) it would stand to reason that these new technologies will be more easily accessable and used by Boot Camp.

    Just a thought, let me know what you think.:D

    funny quotes cartoon. happy easter funny quotes.
  • happy easter funny quotes.

  • delToros
    Mar 21, 07:48 AM
    For those about.. to use high-capacity player=)

    What will be the ideal ipod for you?

    For me it is:

    Ipod-like model with clickwheel. Support of ALAC. Black/white.
    Sata interface instead of zif (with programm support of dual-disks drives and unlimited music titles), so that consumers could choose prefered storage (maybe someone want 32-64gb fast ssd instead of hdd). This also let us install up to 320Gb in this device. To save battery, I would prefer old-fashioned black-white screen. And, if it possible to fit, more advanced music system (for high-end headphones).

    This is my vision of iPod line:
    If you want touch-screen media player (but for some reason don't want iPhone) = iPod Touch
    If iPod Touch is too big = there is nano
    If you think nano is still too complicated, you just need something to play mp3's = shuffle
    BUT if you are looking for high-end MUSIC player with high capacity option there is new :apple:iPod Classic 7th generation:apple:;).

    What do you think? How about a petition=)?:)

    funny quotes cartoon. happy easter funny quotes.
  • happy easter funny quotes.

  • AceWilfong
    Apr 9, 10:48 AM
    Sadly, a so-called: "secular bible" does not have the backing of a bearded man in the sky.

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  • 26 Funny Political Cartoons

  • Platform
    Sep 23, 01:34 AM
    Halo effect....woo, people are scared of Apple's power...:D

    funny quotes cartoon. The number 1 mistake award
  • The number 1 mistake award

  • Thunderhawks
    Mar 28, 12:07 PM
    People still shop at Radio Shack for more than just oddball connectors, batteries, etc.?

    They don't even have most of these in the stores and want you to order online.

    If you do that you better use digikey.

    Radio Shack will be out of the RETAIL business within 3-5 years IMO.

    Nothing in there one needs.

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  • funny quotes on smoking. funny

  • neshkito
    Mar 8, 08:40 AM

    This is the most beautiful for me so far, Nice one !!!

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  • Quotes; 25 Funny Quotes

  • xsedrinam
    Sep 22, 07:33 PM
    So, hypothetically, what if Wal-Mart's CEO doesn't "moderate" their stance, and Apple ink deals with more than Disney including Library titles? Surely Wal-Mart's bean counters and legal eagles have already played the war games scenarios. Who would be the winners if this ratcheted up to another level?

    funny quotes cartoon. Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons
  • Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 2, 03:19 AM
    I would be slightly worried about jailbreaking an iPhone 5 then. Sony might claim ownership of the damn thing and sue you for doing so.

    you beat me to saying it.. +1.

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  • funny quotes cartoon aging

  • msandersen
    Jul 22, 10:28 PM
    eInk sounds interesting for B&W eBook readers and the like, less so if you want a Video iPod as well, at least at this stage.

    funny quotes cartoon. funny quotes and phrases
  • funny quotes and phrases

  • failsafe1
    Nov 27, 10:52 AM
    Glad to see this if it is going to help iTunes but for me I have never like Beatles music. Other than one or two tunes. Almost every artist has a good tune.

    funny quotes cartoon. Looking for some funny quotes
  • Looking for some funny quotes

  • Uragon
    Oct 17, 09:28 AM
    "Squirt," I guess is not an unfamiliar word to a man whose shirt is...... I don't want to see that video again....:D

    funny quotes cartoon. happy easter funny quotes.
  • happy easter funny quotes.

  • Multimedia
    Sep 12, 04:57 PM
    was anyone able to get the search feature on their 5th gen ipods ? or where able to get the new games playable ? it didn't work for me.. nor was i able to get the search feature .. this is what i get when i connect my ipodNope it's not there. Guess it's off to eBay for us. We'll Have to sell our 60GB models for $299 and pay Apple another $50 for the 80GB model with proper search capability. :(

    Aug 9, 10:55 AM
    Why did they use a 3rd party USB wireless card then?

    Do we really need to rehash all this?

    What they put forth as a hack is fishy. There's a lot of missing information.
    They could have hung it off a bar of soap with linux installed on it and done the same exploit. Because they hate soap and think linux is for girls.

    It's just FUDtardery.

    Mar 18, 07:57 PM
    The Classic will likely be around for a couple more years at least, or until the price of an equivalent (at least 128Gb) iPod Touch approaches the $249 price point.

    Perhaps sooner if cloud-based storage capacity becomes the norm very very quickly.

    If we don't see 128 Gb at this year's refresh we'll see something cloud-based introduced. We might see both.

    May 4, 10:58 PM
    If a >=20MB app install needs to be done through WiFi, why a 500-6XXMB system update can be done through 3G?

    I don't think so. Most likely it will be WiFi-only.

    Apr 14, 09:52 AM
    I hope what this shows the PC makers is that it's not just a race to the bottom as far as price is concerned, but that people are willing to pay more for a device if it's built well and does a good job.

    Stop worrying about shaving that extra dollar off the price and providing the rock-bottom rickety low-cost PC that will fall apart in a few months; instead, go ahead and invest in computers with longer battery life, better build quality, and other useful features -- consumers are willing to pay for it.

    Sep 6, 08:21 AM
    24" model introduced
    All have Merom processors, 1.83GHz uses 2MB cache version
    24" model has FW 800
    All iMacs with dedicated graphics have 1GB (2x512MB) RAM standard
    All iMacs with dedicated graphics can be configured to 2GB (2x1GB) or 3GB (1x2GB + 1x1GB) RAM
    24" iMac has GeForce 7300GT with 128MB RAM standard
    24" iMac can be configured with GeForce 7600GT with 256MB RAM
    17" 2.0GHz and 20" iMac have 128MB X1600, 20" can be configured to 256MB X1600
    1.83GHz model has Combo Drive, no bluetooth or remote and has GMA950
    20" iMac can be configured to 2.33GHz
    24" iMac can be configured to 2.33GHz

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