funny quotes to say to your friends

funny quotes to say to your friends

funny quotes to say to your friends funny quotes to say to your friends funny quotes to say to your friends

funny quotes to say to your friends funny quotes to say to your friends funny quotes to say to your friends

To be a genuine individualist requires a great deal of strength and courage. It is never easy to chart new territory, to cross new frontiers, or to introduce subtle shadings to an established color. ~Toller Cranston

Any tax is a discouragement and therefore a regulation so far as it goes. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed... It feels an impulsion... this is the place to go now. But the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons. ~Richard Bach

Opportunity is often difficult to recognize; we usually expect it to beckon us with beepers and billboards. ~William Arthur Ward

As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes. ~Mel Brooks

Hefeweizen. Never drink something you can't spill. ~Steve Miller,

I have found some of the best reasons I ever had for remaining at the bottom simply by looking at the men at the top. ~Frank Moore Colby

Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights. ~Pauline R. Kezer

When you are through changing, you are through. ~Bruce Barton

Our virtues and vices couple with one another, and get children that resemble both their parents. ~George Savile, Marquess de Halifax, Miscellaneous Thoughts and Reflections

It took me seventeen years to get 3,000 hits. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course. ~Hank Aaron, 1971

Our culture runs on coffee and gasoline, the first often tasting like the second. ~Edward Abbey

He dare not come in company, for here he should be misused, disgraced, overshoot himself in gesture or speeches or be sick; he thinks everyman observes him. ~Richard Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy

We mourn the transitory things and fret under the yoke of the immutable ones. ~Paul Eldridge

In vain we shall penetrate more and more deeply the secrets of the structure of the human body, we shall not dupe nature; we shall die as usual. ~Bernard Le Bovier de Fontanelle

The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it. ~Francis Bacon

I would rather walk with God in the dark than go alone in the light. ~Mary Gardiner Brainard

Nothing is more useful than silence. ~Menander of Athens

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~Chinese Proverb

A man must consider what a rich realm he abdicates when he becomes a conformist. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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