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  • JediZenMaster
    May 5, 03:38 PM
    Woah i've never had excessive dropped calls with ATT mobility. The Service here in NC is pretty flawless well for me anyway.

    The only time i ever experienced excessive calls was with verizon when i was attempting to use the phone underground in a mall parking deck.

    Funny thing is AT&T mobility in that same parking deck works fine. :cool:

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  • carlos700
    Oct 25, 10:31 PM
    No, not really. This would be the only fast update, if it happens (which I kinda doubt)
    iMac: 9 months
    MBP: 10 months
    mac mini: 8 months
    macbook: 5 months and counting

    Those are actually wait times that are comparable or longer to what we saw in PPC days.

    In all fairness, the MacBook Pro received two minor speed updates:
    1>> 1.67GHz / 1.83GHz to 1.83GHz / 2.0GHz
    2>> 1.83GHz / 2.0GHz to 2.0GHz / 2.16GHz

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  • Aduntu
    Apr 22, 09:14 PM
    to think that the earth is only several thousand years old ... IMO is not intelligent or rational thinking.

    I agree. It's also not a bible teaching.

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  • pmz
    Mar 18, 09:14 AM
    Wait, you have evidence that AT&T has zero evidence?

    Didn't think so.

    For all you know, they're doing the same deep-packet inspections on their data network that wired broadband providers have been doing for years.

    Oh, is that in the contract too? Is that legal? NOPE.

    All it would take is one class action lawsuit to destroy everything this company has done for 5 years.

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  • killr_b
    Jul 12, 04:57 PM
    Yes Mulitmedia these are the same morons with too much money and too little sense , These are the same people who are saying ..ohhh why can't Conroe go into an iMac , but i want a Woodcrest , hey I don't care if Merom is Pin compatible can't they go with Conroe for it's better perfromance ..lol

    What a bunch of whiny daddy's boys , no sense at all they just obey the all mighty Stevie Jobs when he lies about how the new MacPro is THE FASTEST PEECEE IN THE WORRRRLD:p

    And why are you here?????

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  • Cougarcat
    May 2, 09:47 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Users are of course reminded that day-to-day system usage with standard accounts rather than administrator ones, as well as unchecking the Safari option for automatically opening "safe" files, are two of the simplest ways users can enhance their online security, adding extra layers of confirmation and passwords in the way of anything being installed on their systems.

    um, NO THANKS. why in the world would i add "extra layers of confirmation" to my OS X experience?!?! If I wanted nag windows, I'd use Windows!

    I despise the "X is a file downloaded from the Internet" dialog introduced in SL. Really wish you could disable it.

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  • killr_b
    Oct 25, 10:48 PM
    I can't really decide what to think of an 8 core mac pro.

    Right now FCP barely uses all four of mine.
    It seriously seems that they a) haven't updated software pending an OS update, ie; leopard, to take advavtage of them or b) more cores really only helps the multi-tasking.

    In any case I think my mac pro isn't quite as fast as it could be sighting the activity of my cpus during a render.

    HDV render = 60% on every core. WTF?

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  • lilo777
    Apr 28, 03:18 PM
    Huh? A 2008 MBP should have no problem running iTunes.

    You keep forgetting that most people run Windows on their Mac computers and iTunes on Windows is junk (yeah, Apple demands that others - like Adobe - optimize their software, if only they did that themselves).

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  • akw
    Mar 20, 05:50 PM
    Echoing a comment I saw elsewhere, why doesn't someone just hire this guy. It probably costs more for Apple to sue each person than it would be to hire them and keep them busy fixing these problems internally.

    Maybe he's not for hire. Not everyone can be bought. Or, maybe he's already working for Napster.

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  • paul4339
    Apr 28, 11:19 AM
    Isn't this misleading? It says 'shipped' not 'sold' so I assume basically it's a bogus report. You can ship all the crappy tablets you want..doesn't mean they sold.

    arguably yes,,,, but it's hard to get 'sold' data. that is 10 manufacturers may ship to lots of distributors who sell to thousands retails or re-distributors (enterprise) who may sell them again. To get 'sold' data is difficult, so they get 'shipped' data instead and just throw in a margin of error.

    It's better to focus on the *trend* then dismiss a report because number may be slightly off (stats are never entirely accurate and can be messed with)


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  • pmz
    Mar 18, 09:27 AM
    Go look up the words: entitlement, spoiled, ignorance and unfounded :)

    What the hell is your problem? AT&T has broken the law. Are you content with that?

    Do you think it's appropriate for any company to sell an unlimited service, and make every attempt possible to limit it?

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  • jav6454
    Mar 11, 01:07 AM
    I have been seeing the breaking news, I saw a tsunami!:(

    It was originally 7.9 then upgraded to 8.8, then 8.9:eek:

    It's so devastating! Cars couldn't escape!:eek:

    Dam... I hope that damage isn't that bad, but it being 8.9 I won't hold my breathe.

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  • Portal 2 Will Get “Full” Steam

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 09:52 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Gotta agree with you there. Im sure they get bullied like everyone else, but I remember in high school an experience where I was harassed and picked on, beat up, hit in the head with a chair, etc, etc, and the administration did nothing. I was bigger than this guy, but I really didn't want to fight him, violence doesn't solve violence, finally the principal gave him a warning, which he laughed about.

    You know, while I'm loathe to actually suggest violence, the few times I actually did hit someone it really had a profound effect. In one instance I actually was on friendly terms with the bully after I socked him in the nose.

    Not saying this should be encouraged, but it's an interesting insight. Some bullies were sadistic and cruel and sick, no doubt. But I wonder if there isn't some instinct to "test" you out, to see if you're worthy to tag along on the caribou hunt or something... and you get a little respect back when you prove yourself with a little friendly violence.

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 10, 11:36 AM
    Ya know what? This is good advice. After doing a LOT of thinking about this, I realize that I'm probably best off sticking with Windows.

    When it comes right down to it, I'm really just "curious" about trying a Mac. I don't actually have a particular reason, and I don't have any problems with Windows (believe it or not).

    It looks like both operating systems have a few advantages and both operating systems have their share of annoyances. Truth is, I'm having a hard time finding a real advantage to switching.

    If I were starting out today I'd most likely go with a Mac. But I'm an old dude, not a kid. I'm very comfortable with Windows and I really LIKE certain things about it. In fact, the first thing I'd do on a Mac is try to set it up so the Dock works just like the Start button in Windows. A rational person would have realized long ago that this is crazy. If I want a Mac to work like Windows I should just use Windows. Duh. But my curiosity along with the attractive cosmetic looks of the Mac got the best of me.

    I won't lie, I'll forever be curious about "the other side"... but in my case I think I'd just be asking for a lot of headaches figuring out how to do all of these things differently than I'm used to.


    Thanks to everyone that helped by adding your thoughts, I really appreciate it. And since I can't be the only one out there with similar feelings maybe this thread will help them too. Some will choose to switch to Mac, some will choose to stick with Windows.

    And that's the way it goes. :)

    You could always buy a Mac and run windows on it. It would let you satisfy your curiosity, and have a safe fallback to the OS you know. And a beautiful computer.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 10:01 AM
    It's not that easy to fit in. Sophomore year I lost a lot of weight and kept it off for about a year. Looking at pictures now, I wasn't fat during that time. But I still got picked on for being fat. I got called fat by guys who actually WERE fat.

    The calculus isn't so simple to figure out. Why were there big fat popular bullies that didn't get picked on? Probably something to do with a degree of violence and intimidation or perhaps some sort of charm or leadership quality they expressed. Who knows.

    But trust me, if you get made fun of for your clothes, then go out and get some cool clothes to "fit in", you will be laughed at even more for trying, and they will not relent until you stop wearing those new clothes and go back to your old ways so the kids can go back to bullying you the way they wanted to.

    Alot of similar comments are missing the point...all these examples of bullying are age old, and as such have alot of positive examples of future success and how to combat them.

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  • gnasher729
    Apr 9, 02:47 AM
    You summed it up beautifully. You're not a gamer. You're what is called a time passer, which are what 99 percent of IOS games are, mind numbing time killers.

    So what exactly is the difference between a "gamer" and a "time passer"?

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  • Portal 2 and Steam PS3 Details

  • bludragon06
    Sep 11, 10:54 AM
    I have not read the whole thread here but I must say coming from an iPhone 3g to the iPhone 4 is a night and day difference. I love my iPhone 4. I think since I have had it I have had about 5 total dropped calls. I have had it since late July. I had that many dropped calls in a day with my 3g. I just had to add this in cause I see people complain about the same thing all the time. Dropped call this and dropped call that. Frankly I don't see it. Maybe I just have the super iPhone. LOL! Just my .02 worth!

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  • whatever
    Oct 25, 10:44 PM
    I just got my mac pro a month and a half ago.
    Don't worry about it.

    There is no reason for Apple to change the MacPro line at this point. Maybe in January, but even then I doubt it.

    Intel is just trying to bury AMD, which they are (AMD closed at $20.83 (just think a few months ago they were trading over $40.00) and Intel closed at $21.72 (a few months ago they were trading at $16.00)).

    Apple said it last week, Pros are waiting for CS3 before they upgrade, so expect to hear the announcement of upgraded Mac Pros once Adobe finishes up their applications.

    Besides wasn't there a thread a few weeks back which stated that the 8 Core machines run slower than the Quads?

    Don't worry about it. I know that my new MacPro has already paid for itself.

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  • Portal 2 brings Steam to PS3

  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 07:27 PM
    Solar plants can be put out in the scrub, they don't destroy what can be some of the most beautiful places on Earth like dams do, and have much less land impact.

    We don't all have scrubland... or reliable sunshine! Can't see solar power taking off in the UK, I'm afraid. The same goes for most of Northern Europe.

    Mar 18, 09:37 AM
    What contract did I physically sigm when I got my phone? The only thing I signed was a credit card receipt.
    Where'd you buy your iPhone?

    Mar 11, 09:23 AM
    NB. I guess the most critical things that can get damaged in Japan are the nuke power stations, the reports so far say none are leaking.

    I wouldn't worry about those. They're incredibly well designed. If Japan has any of the new AP1000's, then there's really nothing to worry about.

    Oct 7, 07:54 PM
    Hi AtomBoy......great english for being from Japan, or are you an ex-pat?

    Anyway, I agree, the OS X part of a Mac is worth being a little behind on Mhz/DDR/etc...but I still want Apple to be "on par" atleast with Wintel, since I am spending close to double for their machines as if I had bought an unglybox.

    Apr 23, 02:11 AM
    It's easier to admit being an atheist on the Internet than in the real world, as even the Dalai Lama seems to hate atheists. Although only a fool would say in his heart "there is no god", it should be legitimate to say "I want to see proof before I believe".

    Oh - and about the universe not likely being made by chance: a designer must be more advanced than what he creates, and where does the designer come from? I'm not saying that there is no such designer, just that I don't see any reason to think about that in the first place. Wouldn't it be far more likely that the universe is made by itself rather than by some creating force being made by itself?

    I depends on where you are at and what company you are in. Your "immediate culture" plays a large factor in how you are "accepted into society". It's no different from nerds vs jocks in adolescence. People are people. For example,

    It's hard to "admit being an atheist" in the rural areas.
    It's easier to admit it being an atheist in the big cities.

    It's hard to admit being an atheist among working class folk.
    It's easy to admit being an atheist among college students and higher class folk.

    It's hard to admit being atheist among white and latino ppl.
    It's easy to admit being atheist among Asian ppl.

    When you're always surrounded by ppl of a particular culture that is majority religious, you will think that "atheists" are closet freaks. Just like how "gays" are stereotyped to be. But that's not true everywhere. And there are many ppl who say "there is no god", but personally I find that it's usually younger ppl. A lot of ppl with higher education also would say this, but they are very careful, because when you are "mature", you are also wary about respecting other ppl's beliefs around you so they are careful not to say it to a religious person. Because it might insult them...as many religous ppl are also implicitly taught to HATE others who are not like them.

    Apr 13, 01:03 PM
    Well it was rumoured for some time and we all waited with baited breath but was Apple seriously going to end the pro app that started them off to stardom? Sadly yes they have. What genius decides to make a pro app accessible to the masses? We who use FCP have to make money from our business, so we need a little bit of smoke and mirrors to make our business needed, otherwise our clients will just get a 16 year old in off the street, download FCP (sorry imovie Pro or whatever they have decided to call it) and there you go we are out of work!

    Competing with 16 year olds is a bad position to be in.

    I can see the business sense for Apple but they have now taken it all away from us who stayed by them for all these years.. Thanks Apple for the kick in the teeth. I am a ''Pro'' app user and have been for well over a decade and will be sad to move over to a new system but alas nothing lasts for ever.

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