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  • sommls
    Nov 2, 04:53 PM
    This is almost Microsoft-like: at what point does the public simply become so sick of badly written software from an arrogant company that historically captured a large market share and is now doing everything possible to stifle innovation that it simply moves on?

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  • tray3
    Mar 5, 03:12 PM
    Buddy of mine just started a new weekend brunch at his bar and asked me to take some photos today. We devoured the 8 plates of food and had a couple bloodies. It was a good time. :D


    Yummy :) ... nice pic

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  • mac-er
    Jul 23, 07:19 AM
    Fake. Apple "ordered" a company to send all its manuscripts to it?

    Companies don't "order" each other around....that wouldn't get very far in the business world.

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  • huntson
    Apr 13, 07:42 PM
    That's not how I understood what he said at all,he put "professional" in quotes because he was being sarcastic,to me he meant that if someone is worried about the fact that more people can now operate a software because it's simpler to use/more affordable then they must not be a real pro because a real pro wouldn't worry about such things,they know that they have the creativity and experience that sets them appart.

    But the ****ing public doesn't get this. Everyone loves Friday by Rebecca Black - explain that.

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  • daneoni
    Sep 6, 10:21 AM
    Hmm, slightly off topic but maybe we'll see a 40" ACD soon with the 30" dropping to the mid-size and the 24" becoming base. Eeek! 40" of estate...thats alot of estate.

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  • Masklinn
    Nov 8, 07:48 AM
    Looks like nothing has changed but the processor. Gentlemen, commence your bitching.
    They also doubled the RAM on both 2GHz models, and I think they upped the superdrive as well (from 4x to 6x). And put slightly bigger hard drives, but the latter isn't really interesting.

    Minor upgrade, but upgrade nonetheless

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  • grumps
    Nov 8, 06:29 AM
    Well, don't believe him. The fact that there already is a 15" MBP should be evidence that Apple will never release a 15" MBP.

    Sorry. I meant to say that he told me there will be a 15 inch MacBook:rolleyes:

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  • Project
    Jan 11, 01:41 PM

    1. Airport Express 2.0 with support for video streaming or (Airtunes 2.0)

    2. Wireless AppleTV

    3. WiMax or 3G integrated with new MacBooks

    4. Slingbox to iPhone (as already rumored)

    5. Some sort of iTunes integration with in-flight entertainment

    6. Super-light MacBooks


    The Apple TV IS wireless.

    The Apple TV IS Airport Express 2.

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  • X2468
    Mar 29, 09:27 PM
    BS. 3G was fully matured at the time of release of the first Iphone. It had been commercially adopted for over 5 years at that point in time.
    Finally the truth. I know because I've been using 3G phones since the first day AT&T rolled them out. Call quality was immediately improved as was data transfer speeds. The various phones sold in those years all demonstrated the distinct advantage.

    Apple and their biased partners in the blogosphere are the masters of spin.

    Don't get me wrong I'm a huge Apple enthusiast, but I'm a bigger supporter of the truth.

    Hopefully when the day arrives that Jobs moves on, integrity, ethics and truth will be allowed back into the organization.

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  • Brandon Sharitt
    Sep 4, 06:57 AM
    The following is just me personal guesses as too updates to Apples hardware over the next 6 months or so, with a few coming on the 12th and most by the end of the year.

    MacBook Pros updated to Core 2 Duos is a no brainer, though I'm not sure if they'd launch it at such and event, but still possible since it is a bit more than speed bump, and you know Steve would want to brag about his new 64-bit PowerBooks.

    Also, the iMacs seem to be in the same boat processor wise, though which Core 2 Duo isn't quite as obvious of a choice. If they could fit a G5 in the form factor, it seems reasonable that they could get Conroe in there too, but Merom would let it run cooler. Considering the large gap between the Mac mini and Mac Pro, a 23" iMac would just make sense, unless the much hoped for Conroe based mid tower was released, though that a lot less likely than a 23" iMac, or even a 30" iMac, so don't hold your breath.

    MacBooks, don't hold your breath, possibly price drops to get it to $999 again since Yonah prices have come down since launch, but don't expect a Core 2 Duo any time soon. The MacBook is already eating the MacBook Pro's launch due to the similar specs, so the Core 2 is likely to be the MacBook Pro advantage.

    Like the MacBook, the Mac mini could see drops back down to G4 levels, and I would discount the Core Duos across the line, but again, don't look for the Core 2 Duo anytime soon.

    As for iPods, I would expect the touch screen Video iPod to come out in time for the holiday season, though maybe not on the 12th. The reason being to compete with the Zune and the fact that there finally seems to be a deal about a movie store. As for the regular iPod, probably 40GB and 80GB versions at the current prices, with a slim chance at a 60GB model at $349. As for the nano, probably doubling of storage on all models(2GB, 4GB, 8GB) at the same price points. I wouldn't be surprised to see a 1GB nano at around $129 either. As for the shuffle, if it survives, 512MB at $49 and 1GB at around $79 or so.

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  • gelinasbrian
    Oct 18, 04:08 PM
    You can change the tracking settings to make it faster...

    TY for the info. I have been made aware of the settings from a few people. I still like the Trackpad better though.;)

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  • Unspeaked
    Nov 29, 09:17 AM
    Paul McCartney is quite a jerk. I wouldn't want to see Steve Jobs insult himself by appearing with him.

    Apple Corps breed, inspire creativity? Geewhiz, I don't know whether that's the case... enough LSD and that helps :mad:

    Honestly I like some Beatles songs but this is the most overrated band in the history of mankind. Even Cat Stevens and Steely Dan turned out much better.

    Well, it appears someone's certainly looking for some venomous exchanges on the MacRumors forums...

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  • Tec972
    Nov 25, 08:47 AM
    I love how everybody is like "I've got the CDs who cares" or "Buy the CDs they are cheaper". The Beatles on iTunes isn't for you. It is for people who don't buy CDs, it's for the future when the majority of people get digital music and it's certainly for a whole generation of kids who won't know what a CD is or care, in the same way that vinyl is now seen as archaic.

    I'm sure I am repeating someone else's thoughts, but it doesn't seem clear to a lot of people.

    I would love nothing more than to have a one stop shop in itunes for my music, but the fact of the matter is that buying the CD set is #1 cheaper, #2 not copyright protected so if I want to lend a cd to someone else i can. I can't lend someone my itunes catalog unless I dish out my user account info.#3 Better audio quality. Going all digital download would make sense if it were significantly cheaper but on iTunes it isn't.

    iTunes just doesn't give enough value nowadays for what they offer. They force you to make backups instead of being able to go on your account and download everything you bought if you need to again. (That is increased cost on my side, because I have to buy more hardware to do it and need to not only store it but store it again as backup.) Think about the fact that you bought that music from them but don't have the right to download it more than once. They are not dealing with manufacturing, production and transportation costs of physical media and shipping yet they charge FULL price and rarely offer a bargain on anything. They are horsef**king everyone. I do realize they might pay for licensing rights although that may be mitigated to some extent by giving the artist 70% of sales while apple retains 30%.
    Amazon does this right with physical media and digital content. It's cheaper.
    Apple is way too greedy when it comes to digital content. Their cost is paltry to store it somewhere and let people download it.

    They just rake massive profit margins on digital content without passing their cost savings on to the consumers. Most of the time you can go out and buy a blu-ray cheaper than their HD downloads. That is not right. They are raping the fools who purchase that content. As long as people keep buying, they will not change their strategy and everyone will continue to pay full retail price for things that should cost half.

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  • iGrip
    Jul 10, 10:37 AM
    Speaking of which...The Mac Pro ever getting updated again Apple?

    My guess is that Apple is transitioning away from making "computers" in the legacy sense of the word.

    They have loudly proclaimed themselves to be a mobile device company.

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  • nemaslov
    Nov 28, 10:13 AM
    There's no doubt Apple would pull some kind of neat marketing campaign to announce this deal to the world (assuming it goes through). The people questioning the value of that don't understand how iconic The Beatles are.

    Heck, even if not a single person downloads a Beatles track from the iTunes store, the fact that they're finally online, the media exposure that will produce (I've already seen several stories on it in the local news) and the fact that it could lead to things liked branded iPods make it worthwhile to promote in a marketing blitz.

    I agree with those that say "Come Together" isn't the right choice. "Revolution" would have been great, but as far as I'm concerned, Nike *owns* that track after their incredible use of it in the 80s (and I'm not a Nike fan!).

    I could see them being very coy and using a non-mainstream track such as "Tomorrow Never Knows" or something like that...

    They should use the new LOVE mix of Tomorrow Never Knows with Within You Without You. The drumming is so cool and it would attract so much attention since although so many have heard the two separate songs, hearing the Mashup of the two is quite stunning and very modern. You should check it out if you have not yet. Amazing sound. Especially in 5.1

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  • AfternoonDelete
    Mar 19, 11:25 PM
    When solid-state drives come way, way down in price, and can be manufactured in a scaled-down dimension, you might very well see a 128 gig iPod Classic. But as long as the Classic uses a regular hard drive, I don't see any effort on Apple's part to revamp it or issue a larger capacity.

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  • likemyorbs
    Apr 26, 10:23 PM
    ^ Best thought out post in this whole thread. This is exactly how i feel, and i also think it extends to black communities in other countries.

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  • Chris Bangle
    Jul 23, 07:11 AM
    I think it would be neat to not only add ebooks... but MAGAZINES!

    i mean, the ipod is a teen/young person trend for the most part anyway.... why not make Seventeen/Vogue/Vibe/XXL/Cosmopolitan for the iPod. Make it categorized like a podcast... so you scroll to what chapter you want.... then read the articles and see the images that correspond with them. You could subscribe to them like you do podcasts but the magazine companies could make you pay to subscribe. Something along the lines of what you'd pay to buy the paperback... or heck... even more since people would pay it.

    You would have to regulate the content though for what is sold in the iTMS. Sure a playboy/hustler magazine would sell a gazillion subscriptions but i dont think you could get away with selling it in the itunes store.... Just make it an open .pdf type of file (or even a proprietary kind, that incorporates .pdfs with .jpg's .aac's and .mov's) where joe schmoe can make his own for his friends... or for his business... and Hugh Hefner can make his own and sell it on his own website. This way any blame of inappropriateness would fall on an external site (ie playboy.com) not Apple.

    Think of the possibilites.

    THough i HATE DRM you could restrict the ".imagazine" file it to the 5 or 7 people who have your account enabled like they do with music. You could have a parental setting in iTunes for what grade of content was allowed....

    you could do a whole bunch.... NY times in your palm, Recipe magazines for mom.... porn for timmy.... Businessweek/ PC Mag for dad....

    ANd you would have have have to make it where one could view the paper/magazine from the computer. Maybe this could be via Bluetooth or USB.

    My mind is going cuh-razy

    Itunes already has FADER magazine

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  • Andronicus
    May 5, 12:22 AM
    Maybe iPad 6 will offer 3D.

    Nov 23, 06:05 PM
    sorry...but her stuff is light years ahead of that old outdated sound.

    Aug 29, 03:03 PM
    First, you need a lesson on how to have a conversation. Second, Apple is a hardware company. If allowing people to install Windows on their computers will allow them to sell more, then so be it. My company has started letting us purchase Mac now, since it can run some of our Windows only programs. I think bootcamp was a great move. You still have to buy a Mac to use it, so what's the problem.

    A lot of resellers are already preinstalling XP on Intel Macs.
    Resellers who are pre-installing XP on Intel Macs are charging for XP or they're willing to take a loss, because they are paying for it.

    Apple does allow people to install Windows on their computer, it's just that people need to buy it, seperately.

    I've been running Windows applications on Apple computers for over 15 years. So except for those gamers that need Direct X support, there really aren't any Windows apps that don't work on an Apple computer.

    Calling Apple a hardware company is like calling McDonalds a hamburger stand.

    Apr 5, 04:22 PM
    He doesn't know why he wants to build a good camera for Apple? Cause last time I checked Sony doesnt actually know what market they want to go in and just dips their feet into everything. Not mention Samsung has been doing much better in the smart phone market than Sony but are building most of the components in the iOS devices.

    Sep 22, 01:12 PM
    I'm sorry, but I have to laugh. This is just too funny... Wal-Mart is scared and they're asking their "friends" to stay away. :p

    Sep 12, 02:49 PM
    I bet this is a preview of what Leopard is gonna look like.


    I'll stick Leopard DVD in a shredder if thats what it ends up looking like. Apple just managed to bring the windows UI (looks like sony connect) into OS X. Thanks a lot. :(

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