sprint echo release date

sprint echo release date. announced release date.
  • announced release date.

  • VPrime
    Apr 6, 05:46 PM
    My main issues when I switched was no
    -cut/paste files in finder.
    -No maximise window
    -red x didnt quit program.
    -enter/return renames instead of opens
    -No directory location bar in finder (to tell you the folder structure/where you are)
    -Plus a few more that were already mentioned

    But after a few weeks all the problems went away. These "issues" are not really issues, it is just a different OS and you are still in the windows mindset. Once you accept things are different you learn and adapt.

    Cut and paste in finder, sure it would be handy sometimes.. But the UI of OSX is built around an alternative. you can click and drag any file, hold t over a location and the folders spring open. Its not a perfect replacement (sometimes quite slower) but it gets the job done.
    Or you just get accustomed to having more windows open and drag between them (usually the case especially because expose is awesome)..
    This being said, I still want cut/paste in finder.. But the alternative is quite usable.

    -Maximize.. Really this is just a different OS. You cant expect it to behave the same way. OSX is a great multi tasking OS. Having multiple windows open is much easier to manage (especially because of tools like expose). The "maximise" is really a fit window to contents button. It will increase the window size to make sure everything fits. So a web page will get as big as it needs to fit with out scrolling... The only problem I have with this is that it isn't consistent with every app.. Some programs don't enlarge the window to fit the contents. It is up to the developer.
    But after using it for a few weeks you get used to it, and actually like it comapred to taking up the full screen (usually...).

    -return/enter renaming.. This is just a different OS. you have to re learn some hot keys. It's the way of life. Instead of enter, you press command+o.

    -No Directory path... Well there is. inside of finder you can turn on 2 options. One to show the folder structure at the bottom of the finder window (like a status bar) and navigate up/down a folder tree. open up finder, go to View> select show PAth bar.
    2. customize the finder tool bar and add a path icon. This adds a trop down button which shows the path and lets you jump back.
    3. Terminal command which shows the directory path right at the top of a finder window. This replaces the current directory name with the path.

    Really, there are changes. Some annoying, but that comes with the territory . You are using a different OS after all. Most of the annoyances or frustrations are early on and mainly because you are not familiar with the OS. But after survive them, you really do tend to work faster and more efficient in OS X.

    I have been a windows user since 3.1, grew up with windows. Windows was work.
    But A few years ago I took the dive and switched to OSX.. I love every second of it and don't think I will ever go back to using windows full time..
    My brother who was even a big gamer and used windows exclusively.. even said he would never use another OS full time other than windows (used linux ont he side..) has switched to OSX. Bought a macbook for school (due to large battery and build quality). Now he plans to buy an iMac to replace his desktop because he likes OSX so much (which he didn't at first).

    sprint echo release date. Sprint Kyocera Echo
  • Sprint Kyocera Echo

  • FightTheFuture
    Feb 17, 01:20 AM
    No one seems to notice this. i don't agree with much of your post, but i agree with the sentiment. i'm tiring of the Google = Good, Apple = Evil heard around the boards.

    they are both companies that are just trying to make money. sadly, people paint Apple as the bad guy either because 1) the iPod was extremely successful or 2) they assumed apple would eventually go bankrupt 10 years ago and are upset that it didn't happen. luckily Gen Y'ers who don't care about what computers run facebook the best are buying products based on what they want, and not which processor is in it.

    will there be more android phones than iPhones in the world? probably. but right now there are more blackberrys, more symbian based phones being sold. the iPhone is selling just fine. just because there are a lot of great phones on the market doesn't mean apple will sell less than 8 million iPhones a quarter.

    sprint echo release date. Sprint has just announced the
  • Sprint has just announced the

  • milo
    Sep 20, 11:21 AM
    This must be a US-centric view. Here (UK) PVRs with twin Freeview (DTT) tuners and 80GB HDs are everywhere. And they are very cheap now (120 quid upwards).

    I'm thinking of ditching my cable provider (NTL, I only get it for Sky One, which is just Simpsons repeats) and going with something like this:


    Apparently you can DL what you record to your Mac (USB). I suspect you'll then be able to play that on iTV.

    Looks like a cool box, but still pretty expensive, $525 USD. And I assume not available in the USA. Anyone know what the cheapest PVR you can buy in the states is?

    The only differences between a Mini and iTV are the connections on the back, better wireless speed and no DVD. Its pure the price and software that makes it a media device and not a computer.

    And the fact that you can't use the iTV as a computer! The iPod can play audio and video like a mini can, does that make the iPod "a cut down mini" too?

    If I have a mini, couldn't I use it as an iTV with frontrow? Why would I get an iTV when I can get a refirb mini for $200 more, when it can do more?

    Because it's $200 more. And this is just the initial pricing, as time goes on the iTV will get cheaper faster than computers do.

    I'm wondering why they couldn't/wouldn't just combine the mini and the iTV into a single unit. The mini's size could allow for a DVD slot/player/burner and maybe even allow for the Mac OS in the box, so you don't need another computer to stream your media from. In fact, I assumed that was what the Mini was ultimately destined for anyway.

    Because it would be way more expensive than $200, with little chance of prices dropping much.

    Since iTV most likely wont be a DVR device, I coughed up $700 today for a Sony DVR instead.
    I am sure Apple has a brilliant plan for the iTV, but I fail to see it.

    Well, the first step of the plan is to cost less than $700. :eek: At that price, the technology will never be anything more than a niche.

    because everything on cable is available at itunes. your analogy is wrong.

    He was talking about the future of iTunes/iTV. Who's to say that someday everything on cable won't be on iTunes?

    sprint echo release date. Kyocera Echo Smartphone outed
  • Kyocera Echo Smartphone outed

  • DMann
    Jul 14, 02:16 PM
    2003: "In 12 months, we'll be at 3GHz".
    Mid 2006: "I want to talk about 2.66GHz" although 4 cores running at 2.66GHz (Yum! :D ).

    Now, that is FUNNY!

    However, based on availability, Apple could get up to 3GHz if they
    really wanted to:

    Dual Core Intel� Xeon� Processors 5160 (4MB L2 Cache, 3 GHz 1333MHz FSB)

    Perhaps "one more thing......"

    sprint echo release date. Kyocera Echo Single mode
  • Kyocera Echo Single mode

  • MacinDoc
    Aug 29, 03:07 PM
    For those who don't know what the Precautionary Principle, it is a belief that essentially states that everything should be assumed to be harmful until proven otherwise. Therefore, it applies mostly to innovators and producers of new products that have not been made before. Apple, being an innovative company, introduces new technologies. Dell, on the other hand, copies what others have done. So, the only way that Apple could adhere as closely to the Precautionary Principle as Dell would be to become another Dell, and to only copy what other manufacturers were already making. So, including this principle in Greenpeace's analysis of the environmental friendliness of tech firms is laughable at best, conspiratorial at worst.

    Am I saying that Apple could not do better as a steward of the environment? No, but I suspect that Dell, which should be stopping its distribution of CRTs (which consume much more power than LCDs and contain lead) and designing products to have a longer lifespan, is more in need of improvement than Apple is.

    sprint echo release date. sprint kyocera echo android
  • sprint kyocera echo android

  • SuperJudge
    Apr 24, 10:36 AM
    Maybe deep down I'm an atheist too, and I'm just entertaining the notion of agnosticism as a kind of nod to the great debt we owe Judaism and Christianity. If it wasn't for those two faiths which allowed for reformations (such a thing would be impossible under, say, Islam) then secular Western democracies would be vastly different.

    If Europe had succumbed to the advance of Islam, if Vienna had fallen in the 17th century things likely would be very different today. Europe would have produced as many Nobel Prize winners as the entire Islamic World

    Oh, please.

    The Islamic World today doesn't have much resemblance to the Islamic World of antiquity. Don't forget that a vast majority of ancient Greek texts would have been lost to the ages if not for Islamic scholars, to say nothing of (relatively) advanced mathematical concepts and a symbol for zero.

    sprint echo release date. Sprint Kyocera Echo, Dual
  • Sprint Kyocera Echo, Dual

  • God of Biscuits
    Mar 23, 05:21 PM
    Probably, unless Apple recognizes the competition and responds by:
    - SDK that can execute on other platforms like Windows or Linux and that uses a more user-friendly and intuitive language than Objective-C

    You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

    What you really mean is something more popular. And that's certainly NOT the same as "more user friendly" or "more intuitive".

    Are you even an Objective C programmer?

    At any rate, what you *are* is the bazillionth person who's said that the key to Apple's success in the future is to do what everyone else is doing.


    sprint echo release date. kyocera echo in hand
  • kyocera echo in hand

  • Moyank24
    Mar 11, 02:31 AM
    As of 0730 GMT, Philippines is now under alert level 2. Its now 0830 GMT. Bracing for tsunami in the next hour.


    Oh wow. Hopefully that will give people anywhere near the shores time to reach higher ground.

    sprint echo release date. Kyocera Echo
  • Kyocera Echo

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 10:18 AM
    I see no reason why Apple won't have a low cost tablet when competitors drop their prices. They are already very aggressive on pricing, and I think we see in the iPod market their approach to pricing these sorts of devices: You can step up from $49 (in the U.S.) all the way to an iPod touch. Hard to beat Apple on pricing, and this is ten years after the iPod was introduced.

    So if Acer or whoever wants to drop the tablet price from $499 to $399 or eventually $299, Apple will be right there with them. After all, Apple gets the best component prices now, so how can anyone undercut them?

    Unless you mean the piece-of-junk plastic tablet ripoffs that can sell for $199 or something. Apple won't make junk versions, and those will win on price. But anyone who buys those deserves the same headaches as people who buy stripped-down Dell boxes.

    sprint echo release date. Kyocera Echo Dual-touchscreen
  • Kyocera Echo Dual-touchscreen

  • Spectrum
    Aug 29, 01:42 PM
    Because it's not required, and not the law. If Apple was not complying with current EPA regulations, they'd be investigated by the US Government. Greenpeace is asking them to go beyond current laws, which are quite stringent as is.
    But if they really are environmentally conscious, they have no risk at all in releasing this information. If it is good news, it would bolster their standing. Put them at number one in the Eco-company category. Free publicity. So: what is stopping them?

    sprint echo release date. new sprint echo phone.
  • new sprint echo phone.

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 20, 07:44 PM
    We need a way to record our own TV shows from our cable subscription.

    Is that legal? If it's not - even if it's blurry - Apple won't do it.

    Secondly, if Apple allows you to do that, then you wouldn't buy content from the iTS. That's not what Apple wants.


    sprint echo release date. Kyocera Echo
  • Kyocera Echo

  • Nomadski
    Apr 28, 09:16 PM
    Apple may market the iPod touch as an "iPod", but in all reality it is just an advanced PDA that has a really good music player inside it. More of an iPod by Label, than it is by past definition.

    No, its a fully fledged iPod which has further functions. The music player is even called iPod. You use it in the same way you use old iPods (Artist, Genre, Album etc) except the interface has changed. Its an iPod.

    I don't think it is. There are many past examples of fads that lasted an entire decade, even longer.

    Huh? If a trend of popularity lasts a decade, "even longer" it most certainly cannot be considered a fad, by any definition. Just because less and less people (in your eyes) are using them in their old form, doesn't make them a fad over a period of 10 years (and still selling well). Were VHS tapes or DVDs a fad? Were Playstation 1's a fad? Ill give you a fad...Moon Boots. Tiffany. Puffa Jackets. Hula Hoops.

    Some things fade away very quickly after huge popularity. These are fads. Some things simply evolve or get superceded by a superior version. These aren't.

    The iPod was introduced in hit popularity in 2003 / when it was later replaced (in the eyes of masses of people buying them) by the iPhone, and later iPod Touch as the next "new thing".

    The iPod came out years after the first mp3 players existed, and yet managed to completely dominate the market very quickly and stayed dominant for 10 years. They have become so intrinsically intertwined in what they do, that many people mistakenly refer to them as a generic term for all mp3 players - people come into my shop asking for Sony iPods for example.

    If we were still using the 2001 models it would be a crazy world we live in, but iPhones are still iPods, Touches are still iPods and the original still sells well as the Classic, with the Nano and Shuffle also far more popular than any other none Apple product on the music market. This is 10 years on.

    Are you? Why do you think Windows 7 sells so well? All Mac users need to buy one.

    Im not even sure this guy can be serious. Windows 7 sells so well because people who upgraded an 8 year old OS (XP) to a buggy overbloated OS (Vista) had to quickly replace it with something that actually works (7). W7 is great IMO, but Mac users don't need to use Windows in any form, they have OSX. And OSX rocks.

    Just because they CAN install Windows doesn't mean they do.

    sprint echo release date. Sprint to release dual-screen
  • Sprint to release dual-screen

  • twoodcc
    Sep 26, 01:36 PM
    well i might be getting a mac pro soon (not sure yet)

    but if i do, my question is when will we see an 8-core mac pro?

    sprint echo release date. As a reminder, the release
  • As a reminder, the release

  • Mr.Gadget
    Sep 25, 11:35 PM
    Exactly... Now I have to wait even longer to jump into the Mac foray... I'm holding on until these 8-ways come out... I hope it is soon!

    I know there isn't much point as I won't need that horsepower, but the bang for buck is what keeps me holding on just a little longer. No way am I waiting until Christmas though! :-)

    sprint echo release date. Official release date is
  • Official release date is

  • puma1552
    Mar 14, 08:09 AM
    My opinion: it's time to end the age of light-water cooled pressurized uranium-fueled reactors. There's so many drawbacks to this design it's not funny.

    Meanwhile, the new liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) is a vastly superior design that offers these advantages:

    1) It uses thorium 232, which is 200 times more abundant than fuel-quality uranium.
    2) The thorium fuel doesn't need to be made into fuel pellets like you need with uranium-235, substantially cutting the cost of fuel production.
    3) The design of LFTR makes it effectively meltdown proof.
    4) LFTR reactors don't need big cooling towers or access to a large body of water like uranium-fueled reactors do, substantially cutting construction costs.
    5) You can use spent uranium fuel rods as part of the fuel for an LFTR.
    6) The radioactive waste from an LFTR generated is a tiny fraction of what you get from a uranium reactor and the half-life of the waste is only a couple of hundred years, not tens of thousands of years. This means waste disposal costs will be a tiny fraction of disposing waste from a uranium reactor (just dump it into a disused salt mine).

    So what are we waiting for?

    The problem with this is that the general public will not see any difference between this and the nuclear they are terrified of, so it's probably campaign suicide for any advocates of it.

    EDIT: Here's a FANTASTIC read on Fukushima: http://reindeerflotilla.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/all-right-its-time-to-stop-the-fukushima-hysteria/

    sprint echo release date. sprint echo price. sprint echo
  • sprint echo price. sprint echo

  • Multimedia
    Oct 14, 12:31 PM
    BTW Looks like Apple is way overcharging for the 3GHz Woodcrest upgrade. Only cost them $322 more - probably less off the published price list - yet they are asking for $800. That doesn't seem fair to me. Does it to you? I would think that $500 would be a more reasonable upgrade price for something that cost them about $300.I may have jumped the gun. Maybe it's not too much more. When I look at the published price of each 3GHz Woodcrest $851 and each 2.33GHz Clovertown $851, I can live with +$800 for either upgrade. ;)Maybe it is so when the quad-core systems come out Apple can keep the same price for the top-end while lowering the price on dual-core systems and still make a profit. The people that wait for the quad-cores will be happy they did and the people that don't care can get a Mac Pro for less because they waited. And each 2.66GHz Clovertown is published as $1172 so I'm surmising a + $1100 - $3599 - could be expected for top of the line Fall '06 8-Core Mac Pro - only $300 more than last year's Quad G5. :eek:

    Plus once Clovertown ships, seems like Intel would begin lowering the price of Woodcrest to their customers as well. So I think you may be right. Wouldn't hurt. :p

    Ain't technological progress astounding and fun? :D

    sprint echo release date. The Sprint Restore is priced
  • The Sprint Restore is priced

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 08:25 AM
    What are tablets going to overtake? I just dont get it... Desktops? Laptops?

    I can see hybrid solutions, like the ASUS EEE Tablet. But they are not NEARLY powerful enough to run certain applications. I just dont see large businesses, such as the government replacing laptop, and desktop with tablets!? not in th next 10 years DEFINATELY.

    Got it, it's a definite prediction.

    What are tablets going to overtake? Yes, desktops and latops. In 2020 the average person will buy a tablet as their dominant computer. Techies will still use traditional technology such as PCs, and specialists will continue to do so, but since there are FAR more average persons then such specialists and techies, the number of tablets sold in 2020 will exceed the number of traditional PCs. That's my prediction.

    sprint echo release date. The Koycera Echo as we said
  • The Koycera Echo as we said

  • takao
    Mar 13, 06:47 AM
    It won't be an issue. Please refer to my previous post in this thread.

    I feel like the fear mongering done by the international media is just unreal-- is everyone that uneducated?

    well flooding the inner containment vessel with seawater + added boric acid is by all means an absolute last resort option in any playbook
    (hardly a DIY solution: many reactors have the option and external connectors to do just that)
    afterall they don't even know the situation inside because the temperature sensors aren't working anymore
    also since that water can't be exchanged directly it means that they might have to cool the containment construction from the outside with additional water

    obviously it won't be a disaster on the scale of chernobyl but it is already high up on the scale of disasters (6 reactors without cooling, 2 core meltdowns), it's pretty much confirmed that nuclear material has been spilled even if it was just hydrogen blowing up the external construction
    it shouldn't be forgotten IMHO that a lot of radition will be spilled in the clean up progress (not only radiation: boric acid is actually quite toxic)

    as a consequence the german government for example is already thinking about taking back their early decision to extend the use of their current nuclear plants

    edit: according to some reports the evacuation zone was extended to 20 km
    edit: don't forget that reducing the heat of a molten core might take quite some time so i wouldn't call the danger off as well: even when being cooled it still might have just enough remaining heat to melt through the bottom of the pressure chamber. i suspect we will know more in 24 hours

    sprint echo release date. Dual-screen Kyocera Echo To Be
  • Dual-screen Kyocera Echo To Be

  • SimD
    Apr 12, 10:46 PM
    Have you ever even used color? I mean really USED IT? This is not what the program is for. It's not about "fixing your shots" it's about GRADING. This is a souped up version of the existing color correction, along with an autocorrect feature like Avid has had for quite a while (though probably better than that, I'm sure)

    Color lets you make absurdly complex adjustments to a scene like a hollywood colorist-- in realtime-- 16 effective secondaries.. This has nothing like that.

    Color was a $25,000 app that Apple bought, smacked their logo on it and gave it away essentially for free. Which was great at the time, but the hope was that they'd take that technology and integrate it. What they (and you described) is nothing like what Color does.

    This one has me worried, to be fair.

    I agree with you 100% here!
    I really, really don't want Apple to discontinue Color!

    Apr 9, 03:14 PM
    Adjust their thinking? With all due respect, I hate this type of (fill in the blank).

    So then, if someone can use their Windows laptop on their lap -- while wearing shorts -- without a problem... then they try using a Mac laptop the same way but they burn their legs (or worse)... you would suggest that they just need to adjust their thinking?

    Since you can't change the heat characteristics of Mac portables, or the heat conductivity of aluminum enclosures.... yes! It's simple common sense. If it's too hot on bare legs, then common sense says, "don't put it on bare legs!" It's so simple, even a cave man could figure it out.

    Mar 25, 04:18 PM
    By mainstream Catholic I mean someone who follows all the rules of the Catholic Church.

    The Catholic view does not demand the death of homosexuals, instead it seeks to change the behavior for they are lost sheep.

    If that's what you mean by mainstream catholic, then i think i can safely say that less than 1% of the world in mainstream catholic. I honestly don't know one single catholic that follows all the rules of the catholic church. Really, not one. And i know lots of catholics.

    And what do you mean by change their behavior? You mean make them straight? Not gonna happen, and the church will never win this one.

    Al Coholic
    Apr 28, 11:59 AM
    And on the topic of laughing at OS X market share, keep on laughing. Apple is the most profitable computer company on the planet. Dell and Microsoft wish they had Apple's problems.

    Wow. A bit shortsighted aren't we? (And the Apple pom-pom squad is out in force today).

    Don't you see that all the iOS success does is point out to the Board that OSX isn't where it's at and more resources will keep going to iPads and iPhones?

    If you're a mac user is this really what you want?

    They didn't delete the word "computer" from the Apple name for nothing.

    Oct 28, 03:10 PM
    Has any one installed a Western Digital Raptor X WD1500AHFD 150GB 10,000 RPM 16MB Cache Serial ATA150 Hard Drive in one of the current systems to use as their boot drive?What's your best price on that puppy? I've been wanting to do that for a while. But my 500GB boot drive is almost full all the time. ;)

    Wish they made a 500GB Raptor. :p

    Jul 12, 01:23 AM
    Or maybe instead of a Mac pro mini, it might be a Mac mini Extreme? :cool:

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