Truths Of Life

Truths Of Life. 6 Truths of Life.
  • 6 Truths of Life.

  • DeVizardofOZ
    Aug 27, 02:46 AM
    That's exactly what I wanted to say...there are 10 whiners in this MR board that make a lot of noise, compared to 1,000,000 out there that don' we always have the impression that Apple is faltering, which is totally nonsense.

    What matter are the independent reports and the statistical data that show, continuously, how Apple leads the pack in terms of support, reliability and MTBF; the rest is anecdotal evidence.

    It's not only about industrial quality, which often depends on outsourced companies, overseas workers and contractual enforcement. It's also about giving the support a customer needs...and Apple is second to none in that.

    You are talking crap. It is only about industrial quality. Nothing else.
    There are simply too many individual issues with the new MB and MBP here, and I do not want to repeat them. Mostly hardware, but some are related to using OSX and MSOS. You can read, so do that.

    APPLE has been 'second to none' in the eyes of APPLE users, compared to who? I think MAC OS is fantastic, but it does not mean, that all those who switch now to APPLE have to accept hardware lemons to get this OS... Absolutely no excuse for over 25% crap products delivered to the customers...

    Everybody knows that APPLE could have had a 40+ market share, but decided not to license out. We all would be happier now, but JOBS decided against that years back. So now we are talking about a less than 5% market share... JUst do your math: If they had a 40% share WW, we would hear millions screaming about their lemons...

    It seems there's too much luck involved when buying an APPLE product right now.
    When they finally get their QC act together I will gladly buy their product.

    Cheers, and no hard feelings.

    Truths Of Life. Book | 7 Truths of Life
  • Book | 7 Truths of Life

  • SC68Cal
    Sep 18, 11:12 PM
    I went ahead and bought my MacBook Pro because I can't do my schoolwork without a laptop. So, I'm really not paying much attention these days about future announcements :)

    Truths Of Life. Book | 7 Truths of Life
  • Book | 7 Truths of Life

  • neko girl
    Mar 3, 11:12 PM
    Invalid because it endorses something that could cause the collapse of society
    This is true because you say it's true?

    Truths Of Life. It is the laws of life, truths
  • It is the laws of life, truths

  • Luph67
    Apr 6, 10:59 AM
    It's ****ing great option while working at night in bed.

    eh, I don't see how it's significant for anything other than aesthetic purposes. If you're working in the dark the display itself is going to provide enough illumination as it is. Just seems like a waste.

    Truths Of Life. the hard truths of life.
  • the hard truths of life.

  • Denarius
    Mar 22, 07:15 PM
    I'm willing to accept the current level of US involvment, provided it is short-term and really is part of a broader coalition with UN backing. Whether it turns out to be justified depends on subsequent events.

    Poor old Obama has been dragged into this kicking and screaming by Sarkozy, Cameron, the Arab League request for a no-fly zone and the request by the Libyan revolutionaries themselves. He's been stressing all the way that he wants another nation to take the lead and now nobody can decide who. The Italian's want NAC to be in control, whereas the French don't. The Arab League doesn't want NATO running it so the French are proposing that we do it by committee. :confused:

    I think they need to offer a deal to Gadaffi of some sort. He needs to go, but if there are charges against him in the international courts then it'll be a fight to the death. Offer him an amnesty if he agrees to go into exile quickly.

    Truths Of Life. their own truths. A Life
  • their own truths. A Life

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Aug 6, 02:21 PM
    I think that the option disappeared when the wireless Mighty Mouse came out.

    You're correct - Apple may be working out bundle pricing, but I think they would've worked that it before hand - to be honest, I think one of the following possibilities is likely:

    1. They no longer offer the bundle, instead profiting off of users that want wireless by making them purchase the wireless MM and keyboard seperately (sad, I know, but possible....)

    2. They offer the wireless configuration standard with any new iMac.

    Truths Of Life. Delivered by Natalie
  • Delivered by Natalie

  • Piggie
    Apr 8, 07:13 AM
    I don't know if anyone has explained Best Buy's actions at all and why they would hold back on selling stock the have yet.

    I run a branch for a construction supply company and am judged based on daily and monthly goals.

    It doesn't matter if I do three times my monthly goal this month if I don't hit goal at all next month. It doesn't make sense but it is the way business works. I have held orders that come in at the end of the month for the beginning of the next if I have already hit this month's goal so that I get a head start on next month's.

    For the manager at Best Buy he probably felt that it served him better to the corporate big wigs if he hit his goal every day rather than pass his goal one day and not reach it the next.

    Is it best for the COMPANY or for the CONSUMER? No... But in this world of sales and numbers managers tend to do what will make their bosses happy, which is to make sure that when they check the numbers on the spreadsheet every day they hit their numbers and don't get yelled at.

    100% agree with you and people need to realise how stupid people high up the ladder are, and out of touch with reality with these things, which then cause the behaviour you have explained to happen.

    Actually by selling more than your expected quota this month may even end up with your expected quota being increased for future months.

    Effectively shooting yourself in the foot.

    To put it in it's simplest form, say someone paid you $5 to walk to the shops and buy them a pizza, and give you 15 mins for the journey. You go the task, get your $5 dollars and everyone is happy.

    Now, once you decide to jog a little and arrive back in 10 mins, wow that's great, so much quicker. but from now on, will will only allow you 11 mins to get the pizza for the $5 payment.

    Then you are silly enough to run a little one day and come back in just 5 mins, wow, this is an improvement. Head office have now decided to allow you 6 mins to perform the task for your $5.

    How stupid are you, when you could have been walking all this time and still of had your original 15mins for your $5 payment.

    Perhaps you could of run in just 5 mins, but you really should of stopped and chatted to someone for 10 mins to use your allowed time up.

    Truths Of Life. the many) Truths in Life!
  • the many) Truths in Life!

  • JakeM.
    Aug 7, 06:59 PM
    Did anyone else think it was odd that many of the features seemed so poorly presented. We didn't actually get to see anything new in Spotlight. And no new features of the actual Dashboard were even discussed.

    It just doesn't seem that Leopard is as far along as Tiger was when previewed even though Leopard is suppose to ship in the spring just as Tiger did.


  • Dagless
    Aug 12, 05:43 AM
    GT by Citro�n (�n).

    Ooo I have that on GT PSP. Can't remember if it's a collectors edition bonus or whatever, but the ultra annoying thing (which I cannot wrap my head around why they would do this) is some cars cannot be transferred to the PS3 version of the game. Despite the PS3 version having the same cars and then some.


  • Eidorian
    Sep 13, 08:17 AM
    DAMN :eek:

    so 2-3 years from now are people going to be asking "why am I stuck with dual core in my macbook?" oh yeah I'll mostly be surfing the web and maybe editing a photo once and a while" :rolleyes:Fixed

    Truths Of Life. Truths About Life People Are
  • Truths About Life People Are

  • Liske
    Aug 21, 01:28 AM
    Quad G5 is only $2799 on the SAVE refurb page. Refurbs are the same as new with a new warranty. But I think that would be a poor choice compared to a Mac Pro. The Mac Pro is not cheaper because you have to add more expensive RAM. But it is faster overall and Rosetta Photoshop performance isn't bad. Quad G5 will also benefit from Leopard don't forget. It's not like Leopard is going to not be written to take advantage of the 64-bit G5 as well.

    But I would not recomend a G5 Quad to anyone at this point. I'm pondering a Mac Pro purchase myself. But I'm going to try and hold out for a refurb or even see if I can wait for Clovertown. But I'm likely to be one of the first to snag a Mac Pro refurb when they hit the SAVE page in November-December. By then I may even be thinking about waiting for the January 9th SteveNote. Quad G5 is no slouch. But Mac Pro is faster overall.

    What I most would like to know is how does the 2GHz Mac Pro stack up to the Quad G5.

    And I thought you were married to your quad last week ......

    Truths Of Life. brings old truths to life.
  • brings old truths to life.

  • SeaFox
    Aug 26, 09:18 PM
    You're screwing up, intel. We don't want 300 trillion transistors on a 1 nm die. We want longer battery life. Idiots.

    Yes, and as someone has already pointed out, if the Core2 can do 20% better with the same power, can't you just throttle your new Core2 MBP down 20% and get a laptop with the same performance of your old one with 20% better battery life?

    Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees. :rolleyes:

    Truths Of Life. the real truths on life on
  • the real truths on life on

  • shawnce
    Jul 27, 03:57 PM
    Still, they are the successors to conroe and woodcrest. As long as they are socket compatible, they're the next generation for these machines, whether you consider them a new chip or not.

    They will not replace the dual core version, they will exist as an additional product offering.

    Truths Of Life. There are truths in life that
  • There are truths in life that

  • torbjoern
    Mar 1, 04:22 AM
    Isn't it all hormonal mishaps in the womb? Does your God control that? If so, he is predisposing people to sin, and isn't that unfair that not all are exposed to that disposition?
    AFAIK, Christians have this idea of "inherited sin". The predisposal to sin doesn't come from God, but from Adam.

    Truths Of Life. truths of life and love.
  • truths of life and love.

  • ugp
    Jun 22, 09:26 PM
    Ugh! Lucky!! I think I'm going to just keep calling my local radioshacks and head to one at least an hour before they open on Thursday!

    Well being Best Friends has it's advantages. And his DM is actually pretty cool. The store that received 5 of them that he is getting the 2 from, they are all idiots in that store. The Manager is literally Cross-Eyed, Employees don't even greet you when you walk in and are not very knowledgable. It's a shame too because I use to work at that store for several years. Received many trophies for sales. Including this one...

    What's really sad is that it's a Mall store. Use to be a Million Dollar plus store. Now it has dropped well below that. Although it was back in the day when they actually cared about their employees. They have such a high turn over rate anymore. I had quit because I got tired of the DM (Different DM then) threatening us with our jobs everyday during Golden Quarter. I left my keys on the desk and never returned along with a few others Managers at the time.

    Truths Of Life. harsh truths of life chill
  • harsh truths of life chill

  • Consultant
    Apr 8, 01:03 AM
    I wouldn't be surprised. The quota explanation was given already, but they might also be holding back stock of the cheaper models in order to drive more sales of the higher end ones. "Oh, you wanted the 16 gig wifi model? Sorry, all sold out. But we do have this lovely 64 gig 3G version. If you really want the iPad 2, this is your big chance... it's only a little bit more..."

    That happened to me, almost, when I bought the original iPad from Best Buy here in Canada on our launch day last year. The guy almost smirked when he said, sorry, the 16 gig ones were all sold out, but they had plenty of the 64 gig models. Luckily I persisted and he managed to find one more 16 gig, the last one! How lucky was that! :rolleyes:

    Was able to get 16gb at Best Buy, CANNOT get 64gb here.

    Truths Of Life. the Higher Truths of Life
  • the Higher Truths of Life

  • idunn
    Apr 6, 07:10 PM
    'With the release of Sandy Bridge, Intel upgraded the performance of their integrated graphics chipset. This was good enough for Apple to offer in their latest 13" MacBook Pros, so we expect it will be good enough for the upcoming MacBook Airs as well.'
    - per 'Macrumors'

    ;) Apple could impress the hell out of me by not only upping the CPU horsepower of the new MacBook Air line, but in not downgrading graphic performance, such as the 13" MBP suffered. What is it about the term 'good enough' that sticks in my craw when describing an Apple product, which is supposedly a superior product, and certainly is in price?

    While at it, by way of actual 'improvements,' how about the option of the MBA in black?

    Truths Of Life. 5 Chuckleworthy Illustrations
  • 5 Chuckleworthy Illustrations

  • ssk2
    Mar 22, 04:40 PM
    You know, on second thought....there never will be an iPad "killer".

    Show me a single tablet, from any manufacturer...that will out-sell the iPad.

    You can't.

    Which of the announced competitors will sell over 15 million in a year? To be the iPad killer...something will have to sell at least 15 million...and that was before iPad2 was released.

    Even if you take into account something that has not been announced can't find an iPad killer. There are too many competitors to the can the public differentiate between the competitors, some of which are the same thing hardware and software wise....and pick one that will be the "killer".

    There has not been an iPhone killer released ever....there has not been an iPod killer released ever...and there will not be an iPad killer released...ever.

    And yes, the Android fanboi cult will chime in and tout the latest and greatest...which will be superseded in two weeks by something else from HTC or Motorola or whoever...if any of these are the killer..why are their sales so much lower than a comparative iDevice?

    And don't toss me total number of Android sales or me a single model from any manufacturer that has sold greater than any comparable Apple portable device (iPad, iPhone, iPod)....there isn't one.

    (awaiting the "sales don't matter" comments...and "specs are where its at" dribble.....)

    This is EXACTLY what I was talking about in my first post on this thread - fanboyism at its worst.

    "There will never be an iPad killer"? What a ridiculous statement to make. Who knows where mobile tablet computing is heading in the next 1/2/3/10 years. Maybe demand for small tablets will rise? Maybe other operating systems will outstrip iOS? You knows how many units ANY particular tablet will sell next year? It so dismaying to see such a ridiculous view spouted as gospel.

    And anyway, why the obsession with a 'killer'? People don't use a Dyson vacuum cleaner because its a Bosch vacuum killer, people don't use chopsticks because they are cutlery killers, hell, apply the analogy to anything. People will ALWAYS pick (rabid fanboys aside) the consumer tool that works best for them. If that means that I find the Playbook fits my needs, I don't give two hoots if it's not an iPad killer. It really doesn't matter to the sane individual.

    FWIW, I believe that for all its failings, Android's spread across many developer platforms DOES have its benefits - who knows, we may seem a really strong Android OS this time next year?

    Truths Of Life. namely that (1) life Buddhism
  • namely that (1) life Buddhism

  • DavidLeblond
    Apr 27, 07:59 AM
    I actually thought looking at a history of where my phone has been on a map was kinda cool. Bummer.

    Mar 22, 04:07 PM
    Samsung can say all they want about their products. There are the following glaring issues:

    1. Has anyone realize how much less Samsung's profit margins will be on the Galaxy Tab versus the iPad2? (ie. Apple retains a high profitability based on inhouse product development rather than contracting to third parties like other hardware developers)

    2. Given what I perceive to be an extremely small profit margin, I find it difficult from an investor standpoint to endorse Samsung's business model.

    3. It is next to impossible from a longterm business perspective that Samsung can price match Apple in this respect. It's an unsustainable business practice.

    Apr 11, 11:24 PM
    Looking forward to the new final cut studio.

    if apple is smart they will allow access to individual parts of the suite
    as seperate Mac App Store downloads.

    If it were possible to buy apple Motion on it's own I think many existing After Effects would be very happy to have something else to play with that can take adavantage of their hardware and deliver some fun realtime workflows...

    it could be a halo product for such editors as well to end up using the whole suite...

    I bought motion for 300 when it used to be sold individually, and I have spent a tonne of money since simply because I love that product.

    do it apple. please.

    Motion has a funny reputation. I find it quite powerful and very intuitive now that I've been using it almost exclusively for over a year. I know a lot of AE users find it very hard to make the mental leap to the different methodology, and I totally understand that as it took me several months of regular work to really adjust my headspace to the new way of thinking.

    How the different parts of the Studio might be merged or changed is one of the more interesting questions for me. You could overload FCP if you tried to cram all the other apps together, but there's no question there's room for tighter integration.

    It would be very surprising to see the different programs sold separately thought the appStore. The programs themselves aren't too massive [and may have been streamlined more] but the extra content for loops would make it a HEAFTY download for anyone!

    This evening can't come soon enough, glad to have all the speculation over with and concentrate on what it actually is [and isn't].

    If anyone comes up with a good liveblog or ustream of the presentation, remember to post it here. So far, the best coverage I can find it twitter feeds for people like Larry Jordan or Philip Hodgetts who will be in attendance.

    Apr 12, 04:22 AM
    I'm on a 2006 Mac Pro 2.66GHz.
    I never set up QMaster. It's installed, but I never touched it. Mpeg2 (highest quality double pass) saturates all cores.

    EDIT: sending to compressor from the timeline doesn't change. FCP and compressor together use 350% CPU (400% max).

    Blue Velvet
    Apr 27, 02:43 PM
    Are you calling me a liar? I literally went to, opened the file in Illustrator, and moved the text around myself. :rolleyes:

    You said you opened the file in Indesign which is what sparked my interest, because that's something you can't technically do. We've already established long ago that you're untrustworthy, so it's fair to be suspicious.

    Some things never change. Laughably bias.

    You're so cute when you're whining. :)

    are there any graphic designers here who can help?

    Sure there are. Been designing since before you were born. This file does not have layers. It has objects within one group. A document created in 1961 will have been scanned, possible inadvertently split into sections as it's not even a linked group or even a compound path. MattSepata is correct to some extent, but I doubt it's been OCRed. Just a crappily-made PDF... which hasn't even been security-locked.

    Nice try, but no cookie, Sherlock.

    Apr 6, 07:46 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Does anyone know if the IGP in these processors is underclocked compared to the variants used in the MacBook Pros?

    That is a very good question!

    It is likely that the GPU might be a bit slower. That simply because the rest of the chip is clocked slower. Frankly the GPU in Sandy Bridge is the only good reason to throw a little hate Intels way. That being said for many users a SB update to the AIRs will be huge and would make the platform viable for a wider range of users.

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